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發佈時間:2012年10月05日 14:08:18    作者:開心遊戲網    人氣:11448    進入討論區

1.   共用倉庫設置了備用功能
2.   修正可以從販售欄位拿取道具bug
3.   無法拖曳商品至販售欄位
4.   賭博的裝備顯示修正
5.   光影粒子優化
6.   寵物裝備不能拿去打洞了
7.   修復了「魅惑怪物」造成的程序崩潰現象
8.   減少多人遊戲登錄紀錄資料,並且能夠通過「永不登錄」參數來關閉登錄資料
9.   修正加入別人遊戲有機會讓自己人物難度變更的BUG
10.   離開遊戲增加詢問是否要儲存的選項
11.   修復了一些因為少數因硬體引起的程序崩潰
12.   粒子效果優化處理
13.   渲染優化處理

1.   修正多人連線時,玩家沒有參與戰鬥,所獲得經驗會因等差造成減少效益的bug
2.   護甲降低屬性功能現在正常了—護甲降低值將按照新生成的屬性來使得他們正常運作
3.   零移動速度的怪物將不能跳越了
4.   修正一些有關聲望等級的顯示問題
5.   地圖上的附魔師比城內的附魔效果好(一定機率)
6.   修正寶物公開掉落的問題
7.   修復了一些文法錯誤
8.   第四章的標題字幕會正常顯示了
9.   修改最後兩個boss場景中,寵物可以回家
10.   修正了一個bug:如果滑鼠按得太快,會偶然發生忽略這次點擊的情況
11.   持續傷害能夠正常的從「+XX%傷害」中計算收益了
12.   從裝備上得到的經驗和聲望加成,上限為100%
13.   血量從裝備上的加成,能正常顯示在血量上
14.   任何時候都可以從menu save遊戲進度
15.   提示視窗修改為在右下角顯示
16.   控制台創出的物品會顯示該物品是作弊
17.   減傷害上限為75%
18.   多人遊戲中,玩家升級後的信息將同步化
19.   升級後,你的人物血量在多人遊戲顯示中會正常計算
20.   切換技能的快截鍵可以設定在滑鼠上
21.   修改一個附魔後,物品會因為人物包包沒有空格而消失的bug

1.   狂戰士野蠻衝撞Savage Rush的時候終於可以被怪鎖定了
2.   狂戰士的戰旗效果現在會正確計算 主要為不能疊加
3.   戰場獎勵修正
4.   修正工程師Fire Bash技能在高等級時直接使用比搭配充能條還要強的問題
5.   狂戰士威嚇嚎叫Howl範圍擴張
6.   狂戰士野性之靈Wolf Shade治癒的效果降低
7.   異域行者的感應砲Vortex Hex不會再去鎖定地上的陷阱刀了
8.   修正二級Seismic Slam所造成的電擊傷害
9.   15級Elemental Boon技能等待時間減少20%
10.   異域行者的彈射旋刃Glaive Throw傷害調降大約25%
11.   修正元素調和對應角色等級
12.   修正Elemental Boon最高等級的技能等待時間
13.   暗影之縛Shadowbind 延長技能時間
14.   衝擊Blast降低火焰及物理傷害傷害不能
15.   異域行者的狙擊大師Long Range Mastery現在也會作用在魔杖WAND上面了
16.   法師稜彩光箭Prismatic Bolt的充能條累積速度-50%
17.   工程師的蜘蛛士兵Spider Mines現在會對敵人產生明確DEBUFF顯示 並且召喚時間固定
18.   蜘蛛士兵召喚時間修正
19.   燼法師的元素調和Elemental Attunement不會再去打地上的陷阱刀了
20.   修正工程師的震擊Tremor在等級六充能問題的BUG
21.   工程師的直昇機Immobilization Copter攻擊傷害將不會再受到其他傷害的影響
22.   狂戰士的反擊 Retaliation 現在對同一個敵人一秒內只能K一下並且不會作用在procs/leeches
23.   異域行者的極速射擊Rapid Fire 以及毒箭雨Venomous Hail現在使用武器DPS來計算取代原本的傷害設

1.   修正了一些連線時對話卡人/場地卡人
2.   變更了一些BOSS的房間地形
3.   修正部分顯示
4.   修正能量表顯示
5.   修正其他能量表累計的錯誤
6.   修正玩家人物卡點問題

1.   修正重複登入的錯誤
2.   登入朋友遊戲局的設定
3.   修正部分伺服器端的服務
4.   修正連線狀態錯誤顯示
5.   遊戲配對會更接近玩家等即

wardrobe tweaks錯誤修正


1.   Shared stash now creates a backup of itself
2.   You can no longer 'steal' items from your buyback tab by closing the window with Spacebar
3.   Can’t drag merchant items onto the buyback tab
4.   Gambler does not show 'can't equip' X
5.   CTRL-M will instantly toggle map visibility
6.   Pet equipment cannot get sockets from enchantment
7.   Fixed rare crash related to Charming a monster
8.   Multiplayer logging is reduced, and can be disabled with the NEVERLOG console command (may improve performance for some clients)
9.   Creating a player in a difficulty other than Normal, directly joining a game, and then exiting, won't revert your stored difficulty to Normal.
10.   Confirmation box added for quitting without saving
11.   Fixed a few rare hardware related crashes
12.   Particle update optimizations
13.   Various rendering optimizations

22.   Fixed an issue in multiplayer where non-killing MP players did not receive appropriate XP falloff due to level delta
23.   Armor Degrade properties now apply properly - degrade armor values were reduced for newly generated item properties to compensate for them working correctly - but don't worry, they will be better than before!
24.   Zero walkspeed monsters won't attempt to jump down
25.   Fixed some display issues with Fame level progress
26.   Wandering (non-town-based) Enchanters have a slightly better range of enchantment strengths. They also now have an approximately 20% chance to get a 'powerful enchantment', which are about 50% better than normal. This is represented by a sound and text message in game.
27.   Swamp Flier scream debuff will show an appropriate name on debuff icon
28.   Creep squish blood now has a censored version
29.   Fixed a few areas where loot from a specific event spawned publicly
30.   Fixed a few spelling errors
31.   Act 4 banner should properly display
32.   Pets can be sent to town from the last 2 boss rooms
33.   Fixed an issue where occasionally an errant MOUSEUP event could ignore your attack in extremely fast click situations
34.   DOTs now correctly calculate bonuses from +DMG%
35.   XP and Fame %bonuses from gear are now capped at +/- 100%
36.   HP bonus gear will properly be reflected in final health of player to other clients post-zoning
37.   Game can be saved at any time from the options menu
38.   Onscreen notification in bottom right of screen when saving takes place
39.   Console-created items now have an effect that displays that they were cheat-created
40.   Damage reduction effects on the player are capped to 75%
41.   Stat expenditures when leveling up are properly synchronized in multiplayer
42.   When leveling up, your health is properly recalculated on other clients
43.   Skill cycle keys can now be bound to mouse buttons
44.   Transmuted items are no longer destroyed if an inventory is full with no place to accept them

24.   Berserkers are still targetable while performing Savage Rush
25.   Bramble walls and Ice Prison will properly die offscreen, and if the originator leaves the zone
26.   Battle Standard's properties are properly exclusive (they don't stack)
27.   Fixed charged versions of Fire Bash from levels 9-15 using the incorrect effects (weaker when charged!)
28.   Howl duration fixed (Extended)
29.   Berserker Wolf Shade master healing property was reduced from 5%+5% per rank to 5% + 2% per rank - and the first rank properly provides healing
30.   Vortex Hex won't target smashables
31.   Fixed two ranks of Seismic Slam incorrectly doing electrical damage
32.   Level 15 Elemental Boon cast time reduced 20% (was not properly set)
33.   Glaive Throw has had a damage nerf (25% reduction in max damage and decreased growth per rank ) with less additional bounces per tier
34.   Elemental attunement properly benefits from owner’s level
35.   Elemental Boon should properly speed up cast time on last rank
36.   Shadowbind should properly rank up duration
37.   Blast Cannon’s armor reduction effect no longer stacks and works for both fire and physical damage
38.   Fixed sped up hitframe for male shield skill anim so that it is never skipped when a subsequent skill is queued
39.   Outlander Long Range Mastery should now affect wands as well
40.   Prismatic Bolt gains charge at half the previous rate
41.   Spider Mines should show debuff icons
42.   Spider Mine summon duration fixed
43.   Shadowling procs from wand chaos or weapon affixes properly last 20 seconds instead of 3
44.   Elemental Attunement shouldn’t attack smashables
45.   Tremor rank 6 should properly perform its charged effect
46.   Immobilization Copter damage effect shouldn’t stomp on other damage effects
47.   Berserker Retaliation can only trigger once per second per given target – and no longer procs/leeches
48.   Rapid Fire and Venomous Hail now use DPS instead of Damage

7.   Fixed some issues with Grom's arena in multiplayer when another player speaks to the NPC while the main area is completed
8.   Several boss rooms have had structural changes to make it more difficult to cheese them with certain skills
9.   Various minor level scripting or layout repairs
10.   Fixed farmable Gel phasebeast room so that XP gain isn't overblown
11.   Fixed various other farmable phasebeast unitspawners which incorrectly granted XP
12.   Fixed a few areas where the player could get stuck

6.   Fixed a case where backlog of messages for resend would escalate and disconnect the client
7.   Friends-only games are fixed to synch correctly across lobbies
8.   Fixes for various serverside issues
9.   Erroneous ‘Connection Failed’ messages should be fixed
10.   Games can now be filtered near your level

Many wardrobe tweaks and fixes

Various alterations were made to better support translated versions of the game, and to detect and deal with other language items during trading







#1 03-16 14:51 開心網友 說:
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